Tagged: john bunyan

Allegorical Elements in Pilgrim’s Progress

John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is an allegory, meaning that each character, place, and event in the story represents something else. The allegorical elements in The Pilgrim’s Progress can be divided into two categories:...

British Literature- Excellence in Literature: English 4 by Janice Campbell

Honors Texts for British Literature

Honors Texts for British Literature (E4) The Honors Track for British Literature is outlined in the study guide and involves additional reading and writing and an optional exam. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve...

Introduction to Literature: English 1 from Excellence in Literature

Honors Texts for Introduction to Literature

The Honors Track for Introduction to Literature involves additional reading and writing, which is described in the study guide. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve already read a focus text for...