Research Paper Tips

7 Tips for Taking Your Research Paper from Snoozeworthy to Spectacular

by Janice Campbell

If you have mastered the basics of writing a research paper, it’s time to take your paper to the next level. Here are seven tips to help you write a research paper that doesn’t just plod through the basics, but stands out in a good way.

  1. Know what is expected
  2. Take charge of your topic
  3. Start an argument
  4. Craft an orderly introduction
  5. Draw a line of evidence
  6. Make every paragraph pull its weight
  7. Wrap it tightly

And one bonus tip: When you think you’ve finished writing, read your draft aloud. I guarantee you’ll find a lot to fix!

You can read the whole article in the Winter 2016 issue of The Old Schoolhouse magazine by clicking below. You can read the whole issue of the magazine for free while you’re there, too!

Read the full article here>
7 Tips for Taking Your Research Paper from Snooze-Worthy to Spectacular


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