Lorraine Murphy on Austen and other literature
Dr. Lorraine Murphy has studied Jane Austen’s works extensively and teaches about them online and in person. You can learn from her insights at the links which follow.
“‘At its heart, Pride and Prejudice is about human relationships, how to know people,’ says Murphy.” Read the entire article on “Community, Trust, and Respect in Pride and Prejudice” here.
Dr. Lorraine Murphy’s Interviews on on Jane Austen’s works:
Pride and Prejudice. September 12, 2019. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Emma by Jane Austen. January 16, 2020. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.

Elizabeth: You mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy?Illustration by Charles E. Brock, 1895
Northanger Abbey. June 6, 2019. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour. (If you want to learn more in depth about Northanger Abbey, you can take an entire free online course taught by Dr. Murphy.)
Sense and Sensibility. July 18, 2019. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Mansfield Park. October 31, 2019. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Persuasion. May 14, 2020. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
(Learn more about Jane Austen’s life in this biography on our site.)
Interviews on Realism:
“Great Novels in the Realist Tradition,” Part 1 (Introduction), July 22, 2021. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Realism in Don Quixote. September 16, 2021. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Realism and the French writer Balzac. November 4, 2021. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Realism and the French writer Flaubert. February 10, 2022. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Realism and the Russian writer Tolstoy. April 14, 2022. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
“Great Novels in the Realist Tradition,” (Conclusion). June 2, 2022. Interview on the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour.
Other Resources:
Charlotte Bronte’s Villette. Great Books Podcast. October 17, 2023.
You may also enjoy watching this lecture in which Dr. Murphy gives an overview of Jane Austen’s life and work:
Dr. Murphy is an Associate Professor of English at Hillsdale College.